近年来 ,素食主义风潮席卷全球。

(Via veganuary.com)
(Via Twitter)
Ever since Greggs announced its new vegan sausage roll on January 2, the Internet has been ablaze with opposing opinions. Many have been delighted, with many outlets of the UK fast-food chain selling out of the new arrival by lunchtime. Others however, haven't been so thrilled.
On Greggs' announcement, the TV presenter and newspaper columnist Piers Morgan tweeted: "Nobody was waiting for a vegan bloody sausage, you PC-ravaged clowns."
(Via CNN)

(Via Twitter)
He, and many others, have since continued to lament "messing with the perfect sausage roll." One shopper tweeted a video entitled "how to eat a vegan sausage roll." It shows him buying the roll, then walking to a bin, and throwing it away.
Now, any discussion of veganism online tends to be an absolute minefield. But for all the associated aggro, plant-based eating seems to be on the rise. One 2016 survey found that more than 540,000 people described themselves as vegan -- a nearly fourfold increase in 10 years. More than 2,000 books are available at Waterstones with the word "vegan" in the title, Google searches have multiplied in the space of a few years, and in 2017, Just Eat saw a 987% increase in demand for vegetarian takeaways.
根据CNN的报道,尽管关于素食主义的话题在网络上成为了一个雷区,但吃素食的人数确实在上升。 2016年英国素食协会的一项调查显示,在英国有超过54万人声称他们是素食者,与10年前相比增长了将近4倍。 Waterstone's连锁书店里有超过2000种图书是关于“素食”的。而在谷歌搜索里,关于素食的搜索在几年时间内也是成倍增长。在2017年,对素食外卖的搜索增长了987%。
(Via CNN)
One 2017 study found that people who stuck to a plant-based diet including lots of wholegrains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, pulses and vegetable oils were less likely than average to develop heart disease.
But those who ate a vegan diet high in sugar and processed foods were actually 32 per cent more likely to be diagnosed with heart disease than meat-eaters.
Clearly, making your own vegan meals from scratch is one thing. But do the vast variety of supermarket offerings follow the rules of healthy plant-based eating, or would the meat version be better?
(Via dailymail.co.uk)
为此,记者从超市选取了肉类,鱼类、奶类和鸡蛋的素食替代品,从其营养、口味等方面与真正的荤食做比较, 给接下来一个月打算吃素的读者一些启迪。
The new wave of vegan ‘plant-based’ offerings in our supermarkets may, at first glance, seem like healthy options. But most of them are ultra-processed factory products, the polar opposite of real, wholesome food.
The basic mixture of components doesn’t vary hugely, irrespective of whether the label tells you it’s trying to be like dairy, egg, fish, meat or fowl.
The first ingredient in the majority of these phony concoctions is water. Ample amounts are required to mix in with the food engineer’s toolkit of powders. These include protein powders, such as soy protein and plant ‘concentrate’, and pea and rice protein, extracted from their natural source using high-tech chemical, and biological methods.
The remaining solid bulk of the product is typically made up of chemically altered starches stripped from wheat, maize, potato and rice.
(Via dailymail.co.uk)
而这些加工过的“基于植物”的素食通常添加了不少改善口感的添加剂 ,它们对于健康的影响可想而知。